Frequently asked questions.
What are the fees for sessions?
Individual psychological therapy sessions are charged at $330 for the initial session and $270 for all subsequent sessions. Couples therapy sessions and Parent/Family sessions are charged at $330 per session.
All sessions run for approximately 50 minutes.
Do I need a referral to attend sessions?
No referral is needed in order to attend psychological therapy sessions.
However, if you wish to claim Medicare rebates for sessions then you will require a referral and a Mental Health Treatment Plan from your GP.
Can I claim Medicare rebates for sessions?
Mental Health Treatment Plans (MHTP):
If you receive a referral and a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP; item 2710) from your GP you will be able to claim a Medicare rebate of $141.85 per session for up to 10 sessions per calendar year (Jan-Dec).
Please note that you are able to receive up to 6 sessions with your initial referral under your MHTP, following which you can see your GP for a second referral for an additional 4 sessions within the calendar year. Note that unused sessions on a referral do carry over into the next calendar year, but any such sessions will count towards the 10 max. sessions in that calendar year.
We are able to submit your claim for processing of rebates directly to Medicare on your behalf following each session billed under a MHTP.
NOTE: If you have been referred by your GP under a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP), it is a requirement of Medicare that a brief letter be sent from your clinical psychologist to your GP after the initial appointment, after 6 sessions, after 4 sessions, and after completion of treatment. These letters will provide your GP with a brief summary of your treatment.
Following completion of your 10 sessions under Medicare (or in the absence of a valid referral), sessions will be charged privately. If you have private health cover for psychological treatment then you may be entitled to claim a rebate for privately billed sessions from your private health insurance fund.
Eating Disorder Plans (EDP):
Certain individuals experiencing eating disorders may be eligible to receive an Eating Disorder Plan (EDP) from your GP. If you receive an EDP and a referral from your GP you will be able to claim a Medicare rebate of $141.85 per session for up to 40 sessions per year (within a 12-month period of the date of the EDP).
Note that if you are eligible and receive an EDP you will be able to access Medicare rebates for 10 sessions with your initial GP referral under your EDP, following which you will need to see your GP for a referral for an additional 10 sessions (10-20 sessions). Following 20 sessions, you will then need to see both your GP and a psychiatrist (at any time prior to 20 sessions) for a referral for an additional 10 sessions (20-30 sessions). Finally, following 30 sessions, a final referral from your GP can be obtained to access Medicare rebates for another 10 sessions (30-40 sessions) within the 12-month period.
Can I claim Private Health Fund rebates for sessions?
If you have private health cover for psychological treatment then you may be entitled to claim a rebate for sessions charged privately (not claimed under Medicare) from your private health fund. The claimable amount and number of sessions per calendar year depends on your level of health cover and the rules of each individual fund. Please check with your fund to see if you are covered.
Note that you cannot claim both Medicare and private health fund rebates for the same session.
What if I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment?
If you need to make any changes to or cancel a scheduled appointment please call or email our admin team for assistance. Please note that we require at least 48 hours notice for cancellation or changes to appointments or fees apply. Any changes or cancellation of appointments more than 2 days in advance of your appointment do not attract any fees. Sessions cancelled with less than 48 hours notice will attract a charge of 50% of the full fee and sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice (including non-attendances) will attract a charge of 100% of the full fee.
What should I expect from my first session?
When you arrive, please enter the building and walk up stairs to the 1st floor, turn left at the stained-glass windows and head towards the rear of the level 1 — where you will see a row of chairs before the waiting room and you can take a seat to wait for Dr Kim Woodward, who come to meet you.
During your first appointment (initial consultation), you will be invited to describe what it is that has brought you to therapy now, tell your story, and identify goals that you would like to achieve from therapy. Dr Kim Woodward will conduct a thorough assessment in order to develop a good understanding of the presenting issues, your background, and current circumstances. You will also get the change to ask any questions that you may have about your problem, treatment, or the general process of psychological therapy.
During your second session Dr Kim Woodward will provide you with a treatment plan, answer any questions you might have, and get you started with your treatment.
NOTE: Please complete our online Client Registration & Consent forms and provide us with a copy of your Mental Health Treatment Plan from your GP (if you are using one) prior to your session, if possible; or please bring these along to your initial consultation.
Do you offer online or phone sessions?
Yes. We offer either telephone sessions or online sessions through a program called Coviu. Coviu is a videoconferencing program developed specifically for health professionals. You do not require any software to be downloaded to your laptop or smart phone to use Coviu. All you need is a computer or phone with a microphone and camera (most newer models have these built in) and use of a compatible internet browser (Google Crome or Firefox are recommended). If you would like to book in an online session, please contact us and let us know, and we will provide you with more information about how this works. Another option is to use FaceTime, if you have an iPhone.
Medicare rebates are available for all Telehealth sessions under a valid Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) and referral.
If you need immediate assistance:
If you are in an emergency or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others please contact Emergency Services on 000.
Other crisis support is available 24 hours at Lifeline 13 11 14 or the NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511. Support for domestic violence is available at 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or NSW Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 65 64 63.
Crisis support can also be accessed through the following online resources:
Beyond blue https://www.beyondblue.org.au/
Lifeline https://www.lifeline.org.au/
Suicide callback service https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/
The Butterfly Foundation (for eating disorder concerns support) https://butterfly.org.au
Mental health line http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/mentalhealth/Pages/contact-service.aspx
1800RESPECT (for domestic violence and sexual assault support) https://www.1800respect.org.au
The black dog institute https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/
Relationships Australia https://www.relationships.org.au/
Headspace https://headspace.org.au/
Reachout https://au.reachout.com/
Australian Psychological Society (APS) https://www.psychology.org.au/
Project air https://www.projectairstrategy.org/index.html
Menshed https://www.mensheds.org.au/
Mensline Australia https://mensline.org.au
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/